

Sam Bayer


Why choose Magento for SAP e-commerce?

Periodically, the folks over at aheadWorks survey the market to understand what’s going on in the horse race amongst the leading eCommerce platform providers.  Recently they published their 2014 version of the study entitled “eCommerce Platforms Comparative Study Based on Alexa 1Million Top Sites“.  The bottom line is that Magento is the eCommerce platform of choice by >42% of the Alexa 1 Million sites surveyed and still has a positive growth momentum.  If there is safety in numbers (and the fact that they are owned by $16B a year eBay) than Magento is clearly the most popular and safest bet on the market today.

I like that.

Back in 2011 we launched our very first SAP® Integrated Magento website for Office Relief.  Since that time we’ve helped clients launch scores of SAP® Integrated eCommerce websites, both B2B and B2C, that have incorporated Magento as the Content Management Portion of their solution.   With the help of our partners over at AtlanticBT, we’ve made integrating Magento and SAP® a fairly simple proposition.  Once that’s out of the way, our clients can focus on producing results.

Take Office Relief for example.  Here are some of their B2B eCommerce metrics comparing 2013 to 2012:

  • User growth  + 57%
  • Sessions on website +40%
  • Pageviews + 22%
  • Number of Orders + 31%
  • Average Order Value + 8.9%
  • Total Revenue + 43%

So let’s review what happened to their B2B eCommerce business once they decided to make it a core part of their business (i.e., integrate Magento with SAP®):

They have more customers coming to their store (website) more often, spending more time learning about their products, and happily placing and tracking more orders on their own, that are larger in size, producing greater revenue more profitably!

Sounds a little like the results that Forrester found in their B2B eCommerce study that I wrote about recently.

All I can say is  “I’ll have what they are having!” :-)
